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Keto Bread using Dhillons Keto Bread MIx
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Keto Bread using Dhillons Keto Bread MIx

Keto Bread Recipe using Keto Bread Mix from Dhillons Flour Mill

Prep Time : 10 mins
Cook Time : 45 mins
Total Time : 55 mins

What you need :
• 150ml warm water
• 1 tablespoon sugar ( the sugar wil be eaten by the yeast and not effect your calorie count or carb intake.)
• 1 teaspoons instant dried yeast (4g)
• 1 medium eggs room temperature
• 1 teaspoon of salt (4g)
• 200g keto bread mix
• 50 g salted butter cubed

Method :
1.Combine sugar and yeast with the warm water stir and then cover with cling film a leave in a warm place until yeast activates and almost doubles with foamy bubbles on the top. This can take about 20 minutes.
2.Add all ingredients to mixer, including activated yeast. Butter and 1 egg.
2.Using dough hook attachment knead dough for minimum 10 minutes (dough will be smooth, soft and supple but not wet) or hand knead for 15 mins.
3. Stretch dough out to large rectangle roughly as wide as your loaf tin. Roll dough over lengthwise to form a roll. Place into loaf tin seam side down.
4. Cover loaf with clean towel or silicone mat and leave in warm place for approximately 1.30 to 2 hour until loaf has risen nearly double in size
5. Preheat the oven to 170℃/350°F. Line a 25.5cm x 13cm loaf tin. Bake 40-45 minutes. Cool on wire rack.

Keto bread recipe from Dhillons Flour Mill